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The mini indulgence is just like a regular indulgence but miniature! Isn’t that what you’ve always wanted? Use it as a bookmark or for your American Girl doll collection! The possibilities are endless.

Have you or a loved one been a little naughty this year? Maybe you had a couple too many drinks during the pandemic. Did that tinder date turn into a night of carnal pleasures? Well, do I have a deal for you!For hundreds of years the Church has sold indulgences in order to help knock a few years off your purgatory sentence. Think of it as a Bail Bondsman for Hell.


The Catechism of the Catholic Church describes an indulgence as "a remission before God of the temporal punishment due to sins whose guilt has already been forgiven, which the faithful Christian who is duly disposed gains under certain prescribed conditions through the action of the Church which, as the minister of redemption, dispenses and applies with authority the treasury of the satisfactions of Christ and all of the saints".


Heavy, right? Well, you can receive indulgences by doing things like: praying, fasting, and going to church but who has time for that? So the Church offered them for sale! But who has that kind of cash? Well, so I have a deal for you! Because I’m already a world class heretic, I’m under cutting the competition and selling my very own custom indulgence at a fraction of the other guys price!


For just the low price of $12.95 you can have your sins washed away! This indulgence will provide you with a thousand year reduction of your sentence and they look super cool! Did you commit a ton of sins? That’s okay! Buy a couple. Get some for your friends. I bet even your mom might need one.


Also great for: Toilet paper


.Get your discount indulgence today and start sinning tomorrow! Get out of Hell free or your money back!


(No promise of actual salvation promises, all sales are final.)




This Indulgence provides for the forgiveness of sins and absolution of allotted time of purgation for those sins. This indulgence provides the holder with a thousand year reduction of their purgation sentence (equal to a thirty day Facebook ban).Your absolution is limited to these crimes against God and the Church:


Sodomy (mouth and butt stuff), fornication in general, witchcraft, atheism, drinking, drugs, swearing, gluttony, lust, foot fetishes, jogging on Sunday’s, missing Thanksgiving because your weird uncle always makes it weird, wearing white after Labor Day, and generally being naughty.


Indulgence does not include:


Stealing, insurrection, murder, or the harm of others in any form. You still go to The Bad Place for all that.


DISCLAIMER: This Indulgence is provided by the hand of a known heretic and at a reduced price. Be aware that potency of this Indulgence may be reduced due to mitigating circumstances surrounding the issuer. I Thiso is for entertainment purposes only and no formal promise of actual reduction of sentence is implied. Hell is a myth.Issued by my (once) Holy HandReverend Father Nathan Monk, M. Div


DETAILS: due to sudden demand, we will be doing a limited reprint of these. Please be advised it may take up to a month to fulfill depending on printing time and each will need to be signed.

Mini Indulgence Bookmark by Father Nathan

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